We make pellets.
Pellets make a valuable contribution to environmental protection – and what is more, we produce them sustainably. We use the sustainable fuel recovered up to 100% from local sawmill by-products of our own production and obtain the energy for the drying process from the waste heat from our wood-fired power station. The sawdust, wood shavings and wood chips are transported to the pellet plant by a tubular belt conveyor.
Stallinger’s pellets are certified under ENplus® ST 1001:2022 and, thanks to constant inspections, guarantee the highest quality with values far above the requirements of the standard.

Stallinger pellets ø 6mm, without chemical additives
Calorific value ≥ 4.60kWh/kg
Water content ≤ 10.0%
Mechanical strength ≥ 98%
Ash content ≤ 0.70%
Fines content ≤ 0.5%
Our pellets are available as pallets in bags of 15 kg or loose.
Parliamo anche italiano. Non esitate a contattarci nella vostra lingua nazionale.

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